Microwave Delivery Service Test Opportunity

Thank you for your interest in testing with us! This test opportunity gives you a chance to try out a new microwave delivery service. This service will allow those purchasing a new microwave the option to have their existing microwaves professionally removed and professionally recycled, and then have the new microwave professionally installed.

Testers will be asked to review the process of selecting this service on the website, up to going through the purchase experience of the microwave. Note, testers will not need to fund the purchase, but rather just go through the experience. Lastly, testers will provide feedback on the offline experience of the Microwave Delivery Service arriving and completing their job.

Selected testers who complete all the required activities will get to keep the delivered microwave.

If you'd like to apply, log in or register below.

  • Must live in California’s Inland Empire
  • Must be willing to have a professional service come inside the home/dwelling to replicate the act of installing a new microwave